Create A Birthing Journey As Unique As You

& Your Child

Hi, I am Natalie

Hello there! I’m Natalie Beaty, and I’ve been doing birth work for the last 4 years, working as an
assistant to a midwife.

I started out in the Philippines, working with a maternity clinic in this developing country because I’m passionate about moms and babies any where in the world thriving through out pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

For the last 2 years I’ve gained valuable experience, skills, and other tools working in the birth community. I’m trained in NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation), Breech Without Borders, and placenta encapsulation.

I’m passionate about moms getting the support they need to feel good during pregnancy, to have a
positive labor with techniques to help them cope, and to support their journey of becoming a mother.

I’m dedicated to helping other moms feel as empowered and good about the choices they want to make, regardless of the location of birth.

The labor process is complex, and not only is the mother doing the work needed, but the baby is a major participant as well.

Choosing the real Full Circle Doula means you are getting a professional support person that provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support for you and your partner during pregnancy, labor and birth–may also provide postpartum care in the home.

This profession has been shown to increase better birth outcomes, are two times less likely to experience a birth complication, and four times less likely to have a low birth weight baby.

Regardless of your provider or place of birth, doula support can reduce the need for any of the following interventions:
50% Reduction in cesarean sections
25% shorter labors
60% reduction in epidurals
30% reduction in pain medication use
40% reduction in forceps delivery
40% reduction in pitocin use

The labor and birth environment is a special space that requires mother’s to become vulnerable as they go through this empowering process. The people involved in this labor space should respect, guard, and encourage the mother as she wishes to experience it. Clients are empowered by choosing who they want to higher in assistance with this process, choosing the best place (hospital, birth center, or home), health care provider (OBGYN, CNM, CPM, LM, etc), and any additional support (doulas, sibling child care, family, or friends).

Resources for midwives, massage therapists, chiropractors, and more will be given to help ensure your pregnancy journey will be the best it can be, reducing risks during labor, and improving recovery.


Here is a list of services that will be offered:
Before your due date, I will meet with you a few times so we can get to know each other.
Discuss how to best support you, such as providing supportive referrals to ensure you have the best birth possible (for example, a chiropractor, acupuncture provider, pelvic floor physical therapist
or prenatal massage therapist), and go through a few basic childbirth education touch points.

➢ I offer options for non-medical pain-management techniques including massage, acupressure, aromatherapy, music and mantras. Trying different combinations and positions will help to find what’s right for you.

➢ I will help advocate for you in your most vulnerable times in labor and in the immediate postpartum period. Ensuring that your voice is heard and your preferences are honored by your medical team.

➢ I include your partner  (support person) with knowledge and tools to enhance the support they give you— and even help them relax, which in turn will help you relax.

As I work to become a Certified Midwife, I would be honored to offer what I’ve learned to help you welcome this new stage of life.

“The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.”                                   -Ina May Gaskin 

My Role

In my philosophy of care, I believe in each client having full informed consent on any decisions made for mother and baby.

As I continue training to work towards getting my CPM (Certified
Professional Midwife), I believe in the philosophy and care of the midwifery model.

This includes:

● Pregnancy and childbearing are usually normal physiological processes.

• Pregnancy and childbearing is a profound experience, which carries significant meaning to the
woman, her family, and the community.

• Midwifery care promotes, protects and supports women’s human, reproductive and sexual health
and rights, and respects ethnic and cultural diversity. It is based on the ethical principles of justice,
equity, and respect for human dignity.

• Midwifery care is holistic and continuous in nature, grounded in an understanding of the social,
emotional, cultural, spiritual, psychological and physical experiences of women.

• Midwifery care is emancipatory as it protects and enhances the health and social status of women
and builds women’s self confidence in their ability to cope with childbirth.

• Midwifery care takes place in partnership with women, recognizing the right to self determination,
and is respectful, personalized, continuous and non-authoritarian.

• Ethical and competent midwifery care is informed and guided by formal and continuous education,
scientific research and application of evidence


Education & Certifications

Holistic Birth and Postpartum Doula



NRP and Resuscitation


Internationally Trained Birth Doula


Breech without Borders


Placenta Encapsulation Specialist


 My Life & Passions


When I am not helping mothers to achieve their optimal birthing experience or post-partum care, I enjoy spending time with my family.  We love to travel and experience new places when we can.

I had my first baby in April of 2022, walking through a journey and experience that allowed me to gain valuable insight on the changes that motherhood brings.  Pregnancy was not easy for me, but I made it through successfully with the skills and knowledge of those who could make it a little bit easier.  After being induced, I went through 50 hours of labor at home, trying every trick in the book to help my baby out.  But I knew that I just needed to rest if I was going to go have any chance of a natural delivery.  This didn’t mean I failed, or my body failed, and the people around me were so supportive.  I went to the hospital and got an epidural.  After 6 blissful hours of sleep, I woke up being almost complete; all without the help pitocin, and pushed my baby boy out.  It was not how I originally planned it, but that was okay.  My choices were respected and I got to hold my healthy baby boy, and feel good about what my body accomplished in this process. 

This is my desire for all women; for them to feel empowered and full filled in their own story.  Whatever unexpected turns that come, to feel that their own desires and feelings were heard and supported in the best possible way.  As I work to become a certified midwife, I would be honored to offer what I’ve learned to help you welcome the new stage of life you’re walking through.