Create A Birthing Journey As Unique As You

& Your Child

Doula Services

I create Birthing Journeys custom-tailored just for you and your baby! I am ready to help you relax into your birthing experience and confidently enter this beautiful season of your life.

Check out the services I offer below to see how I am ready to support you!

Dahlia Package

  • 2-3 Prenatal appointments
  • Resources and Information for Labor, Birth, and Newborn care
  • Free assistance for individualized birth plans, labor environment, and coping techniques
  • Labor and Birth Support (24-7 on call from the start of labor)
  • Free assistance with breastfeeding, newborn care, and mother’s care (3-4 hrs postpartum)
  • 1 Postpartum visit



Daffodil Package

  • 2 Prenatal appointments, w/ weekly visits from 37-42 weeks if needed
  • Resources and Information for Labor, Birth, and Newborn care
  • Free assistance for individualized birth plans, labor environment, and coping techniques
  • Labor and Birth Support (24-7 on call from the start of labor)
  • Free assistance with breastfeeding, newborn care, and mother’s care (3-4 hrs postpartum)
  • 1 Postpartum Visit
  • Included:
  • Placenta Encapsulation ($150.00 value)
  • Free Childbirth Education and Labor Preparation (4-8 hrs) ($250.00 value)



Red Lilies Package

  • 2 Prenatal appointments, w/ weekly visits from 37-42 weeks if needed
  • Resources and Information for Labor, Birth, and Newborn care
  • Free assistance for individualized birth plans, labor environment, and coping techniques
  • Labor and Birth Support (24-7 on call from the start of labor)
  • Free assistance with breastfeeding, newborn care, and mother’s care (3-4 hrs postpartum)
  • Included:
  • Placenta Art and Encapsulation ($150.00 value)
  • Free Childbirth Education and Labor Preparation (4-8 hrs) ($250.00 value)
  • 2-3 Postpartum Visits
  • Free assistance with in home care and postpartum care (preparing home for labor, meal prep, postpartum herbal products, etc) and/or child care (3-4 hrs) ($200.00 value)



Child Birth Classes

Knowledge is power, and education is one thing that no one can take from you. Participating in childbirth requires some preparation if you want it to go as desired. This is especially important for those considering home birth. The fear of any unknowns can be addressed, and allows time for you to make the decisions you want.

Things that will be covered if you choose childbirth education:

Tests that can be performed for pregnancy along with risks and benefits
● Nutrition and intake for pregnancy
● How to prepare the body physically and mentally
● Comfort measures and coping techniques for labor
● Stages of labor and what to expect for each stage
● Covering the father’s (support persons) role in pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum
● Where and how you want to give birth
● Breastfeeding support and education
● Routine newborn tests and procedures
● Preparation for postpartum
● And so much more!

● Classes may be individualized or in a group to fit each person’s schedule




Placenta Encapsulation

This process allows you to reap many benefits that will contribute a better healing process.  This includes: 

  • 48 g protein
  • Minerals like: iron, selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium 
  • Essential and non essential amino acids
  • Vitamin B 5, 6, 9, and 12
  • About 17 different hormones
  • Melatonin

The mental benefits will be felt differently by each individual.  However, ingesting ones placenta has been clinically proven to improve iron levels much faster than standard iron supplementation or even blood transfusions.  



 Frequently Asked                       Questions

Why do I need you as my doula?

My goal as your doula is to support your autonomy, protect your labor and birth space, and will include your partner or choice of people while laboring.  I will always support you emotionally, mentally, and physically as you go through this journey.  I will make sure you have the all the resources you need to labor well and have the desired birth you want.   

How many births have you attended?

I have attended about 150 births; many of which took place at a maternity clinic and the rest home births.  I happy to attend you if you are choosing a hospital birth.  

How can I prepare for labor/induction?

As your doula, I will support your choice of induction once you have been given all the information of risks and benefits.  I’m there to prepare you for the labor process, this includes guarding your energy, fuel, and hydration so that your body has all that it needs to make labor as smooth as possible.  My Child Birth Classes will also inform you with more details.

How would you describe your doula style?

My style is calm, like a wall flower, until you start needing outside support to cope.  I will go along with techniques that are comfortable and helpful to you; this means also teaching your partner what works best for you.  Including the special people in your life in this process is what I do best, this will reassure you in the most intense moments that you have the incredible strength and ability to deliver your baby.

When will you be on call for my birth?

I come to you when you need me. Period. Every persons experience is unique to them, and each mother’s needs will be different.  Ideally, once you reach 37 weeks, your are safe for delivery.  However, given that the average gestation for birth is 41 weeks and 5 days, I will remain with you until labor begins.  That’s a total 6 weeks that I will be waiting for your call.

Do you have a backup doula?

Yes, when circumstances beyond my control effect my ability to support you, I have trusted doulas who will respect your birth plan and support you in the same ways that I provide.  A time can be set up for you to meet them before labor, if that interests you.

The Role of a Doula


Physical Support

Doulas provide a supportive birthing environment with physical support, creating a safe and calming space, massage, relaxation, and more!


Emotional Support

Doulas provide emotional support to you and your partner throughout your prenatal, birthing and post-partum journey; helping you work through fears and conerns while respecting your wishes and beliefs.


Information Support

Doulas provide vital information to help you remain well-informed with the most evidence-based protocols and practices. Confidently traverse through your prenatal, labor, and post-partum journey with your doula!


Postpartum Support

Doulas can help ease your transition into motherhood by providing postpartum care services. These services range from physical, emotional, or informational support to helping you around the house and more!


Doulas Do NOT...

Doulas do not replace medical professionals.  Doulas also do not speak on your behalf or replace your birth partner.

Doulas do not provide medical advice/diagnosis or perform medical procedures.